Here are 53 dependencies used in the MERN stack.

Here are 53 dependencies used in the MERN stack.

The MERN stack is a popular stack for building full-stack web applications, and consists of the following technologies:

  • MongoDB: a NoSQL document-based database

  • Express: a web framework for Node.js

  • React: a JavaScript library for building user interfaces

  • Node.js: a JavaScript runtime environment for server-side development

Here are some common dependencies that can help you build a full-stack web application using the MERN stack:

  1. body-parser:

    body-parser is a Node.js middleware for parsing incoming request bodies

  2. bcrypt:

    bcrypt is a library for password hashing and salting

  3. cors:

    cors is a Node.js middleware for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

  4. dotenv:

    dotenv is a library for loading environment variables from a .env file

  5. express-validator:

    express-validator is a middleware for validating incoming request data in Express

  6. jsonwebtoken:

    jsonwebtoken is a library for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)

  7. mongoose:

    mongoose is an Object Document Mapper (ODM) for MongoDB

  8. concurrently:

    concurrently is a library for running multiple commands concurrently

  9. nodemon:

    nodemon is a development tool for automatically restarting Node.js applications on code changes

  10. axios:

    axios is a library for making HTTP requests

  11. helmet:

    helmet is a Node.js middleware for setting HTTP response headers for security

  12. morgan:

    morgan is a middleware for logging HTTP requests in Express

  13. passport:

    passport is an authentication middleware for Node.js

  14. passport-jwt:

    passport-jwt is a Passport strategy for authenticating with a JSON Web Token (JWT)

  15. passport-local:

    passport-local is a Passport strategy for authenticating with a username and password

  16. react-router-dom:

    react-router-dom is a library for routing in React applications

  17. redux:

    redux is a library for managing application state in React applications

  18. redux-thunk:

    redux-thunk is a middleware for handling asynchronous actions in Redux

  19. express-session:

    express-session is a middleware for handling sessions in Express

  20. is a library for real-time, bidirectional communication between a client and a server

  21. multer:

    multer is a middleware for handling file uploads in Express

  22. sharp:

    sharp is a library for image processing in Node.js

  23. react-bootstrap:

  24. react-bootstrap is a library for using Bootstrap components in React applications

  25. react-redux:

    react-redux is a library for connecting Redux to React

  26. react-toastify:

    react-toastify is a library for displaying toast notifications in React applications

  27. moment:

    moment is a library for working with dates and times

  28. bson:

    bson is a library for working with Binary JSON (BSON) in Node.js

  29. nodemailer:

    nodemailer is a library for sending email in Node.js

  30. sendgrid:

    sendgrid is a library for sending email using the SendGrid email delivery platform

  31. formik:

    formik is a library for managing forms in React applications

  32. yup:

    yup is a library for object schema validation

  33. classnames:

    classnames is a library for managing CSS class names in React

  34. react-spring:

    react-spring is a library for animations in React applications

  35. node-cron:

    node-cron is a library for scheduling tasks in Node.js

  36. fs-extra:

    fs-extra is a library for working with the file system in Node.js

  37. mongodb:

    mongodb is the official MongoDB driver for Node.js

  38. compression:

    compression is a middleware for compressing HTTP responses in Express

  39. connect-mongo:

    connect-mongo is a middleware for storing session data in MongoDB

  40. node-sass:

    node-sass is a library for using Sass in Node.js applications

  41. joi:

    ji is a library for object schema validation

  42. lru-cache:

    Iru-cache is a library for implementing an LRU cache in Node.js

  43. winston:

    winston is a library for logging in Node.js

  44. bluebird:

    bluebird is a library for working with promises in Node.js

  45. i18next:

    i18next is a library for internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) in React applications

  46. validator:

    validator is a library for validating user input in Node.js

  47. sharp:

    sharp is a library for image processing in Node.js

  48. styled-components:

    styled-components is a library for styling components in React applications using CSS-in-JS

  49. material-ui:

    material-ui is a library for implementing Google's Material Design in React applications

  50. bootstrap:

    bootstrap is a popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the web

  51. tailwindcss:

    tailwindcss is a utility-first CSS framework for quickly building custom user interfaces

  52. Chakra UI:

    Chakra UI provides a set of pre-designed and fully accessible UI components, making it easy to build accessible and user-friendly web applications.

  53. antd:

    antd is a library of UI components for React based on the design principles of Ant Design

These were some of the most popular dependencies used in the MERN stack.

Which one did I leave out? Let me know in the comments

Happy coding.

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